Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Left Fetching - Finished
Saturday, September 15, 2007
Gaps Vanquished
Lots of Advice
- pulling the stitch tigher when I knit it
- moving stitches around
- pulling the yarn tight throughout the round
Still getting a little doesn't seem to be there during the round but materialises at the end?! I've been told this could even out in the wash so will persevere. Have put sock aside though and started on "Fetching" from Knitty. Using very squishy Debbie Bliss Cashmerino in Plum. Always wanted to knit this and thought I could try out my DPN technique. The gap isn't as obvious (I'm thinking due to yarn thickness - but maybe I'm improving). It's fun but keep stressing about the gap...will knit some more and see how it comes along. Hope I don't have to frog it!
Friday, September 14, 2007
A Bit Out Of It
Revision is slow and tedious - about to hit the library, so here's hoping.
On the plus side I taught my brother to knit...and because he's such a quick study it only took 5 mins. I was chuffed. I think he was too. He doesn't always hold the yarn on the right side so gets the occasional increase. Maybe that's got something to do with him being a leftie and I taught him the only way I know. Oops.
I got my ball winder - pics to follow.
Decided to start my 1st sock today. 1st time with DPN, but it was fun once I got a hang of how to hold them. But disaster struck early on...a gap between 1st and last stitch. I've asked for help on the Angel Yarns forum so may have another go in the evening.
Off to the lib now...
Friday, September 7, 2007
Look What the Postie Brought..
I've realised why my mum was so eager to wave her credit card now...her passion when she used to knit was baby clothes...especially booties! So much for passing them off as an early bday pressie ;o) I've said she can 'borrow' the baby books if she digs out her yarn stash and needles and shows me she's serious. Within half an hour, she was going through her cupboard and lo and behold there was her knitting bag, balls of wool (that I'm sure don't exist anymore) and patterns that she bought for just 10p!!!! Lol - I can't wait for her reaction when she goes yarn and pattern shopping now. Anyways, she's picked out a bootie pattern and is casting off as I type. Another convert...or rather revert ;o)
I tried my magic on my brother too at breakfast. I thought he could learn and then teach the kids he looks after at his youth group...I think I have a little more convincing to do in that department.
Back to my books...I want to knit everything! Unfortunately the scarf book mentions all American yarns and being relatively new at knitting as it is, I'm not sure about yarn substitution but 'where there's a will, there's a way!' My account on the angel yarns knitting forum was activated today, so I'm sure I'll have lots of willing and experienced brains to pick. I can't wait.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
FC again and more...
The thought of new inspiration and yarn made me dig out my needles once more and I cast on the FC again. I've just finished the 3rd repeat and have had to put it aside. Mum doesn't think a baby bonnet alone will suffice as a pressie for my cousin's baby - she's adamant I should knit the matching baby blanket. I said I would if she dug out her knitting needles (they've been in hiding for well over a decade) and knit something for the baby too. Game on ;o)
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
Eek - FC frogged
Arrival of 7mm Circulars
I've never used circulars before so it'll be an interesting experience. Have to say found it a bit strange when casting on...the plastic connection kept curling up and getting tangled with the Maya, but its early days yet. But look out for my verdict!
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Forest Canopy Shawl
I cast on last night and am on my 2nd repeat. Like everyone says, it's addictive once you get into the rhythm. I've got a pic, but not sure it does either the colour or design that much justice.
August Projects
New 2 blogging and knitting...