Saturday, November 3, 2007

Exams Over & the Waiting Game Begins :(

I wanted to thank everyone for their well wishes in the run up to my exams. Thankfully they're over, as of 4.20pm yesterday! Am absolutely exhausted and in need of TLC so I've escaped down south to stay with my parents until the results come out. My written papers were hard and the clinical cases varied (consultants can have a habit of staring you down and making you realise that you are definately at the bottom of the food chain), so I'm hoping and praying the sleepless nights, the lack of socialising and KNITTING are going to pay off.

I came home to find that my mum had raided her local supermarket shelves of ALL their knitting magazines as a welcome home pressie, so I've spent a large part of the early hours (and yes I mean early - I've been up since 2.15am!) of today pouring over glossies. My mission for the weekend is to finish off the mitts for the AY fingerless mitt swap, but instead I've been knitting mini mittens and boottees for my cousin's new arrival. Unfortunately all my mum had at home was some cream Sirdar Snuggly and I didnt fancy traipsing into Central London on a Saturday to get some more colurful yarn, so I've had to make do.

If I don't fall over with exhaustion in the next few hours I might attempt my swap mitts tonight, though I hear there are plans underfoot to drag me to the local fireworks display - not that I'm complaining.

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